Beneficial Fungus? Can Mycorrhizae Help my Lawn?

Beneficial Fungus? Can Mycorrhizae Help my Lawn?

Here at ZoysiaPlug, we are always looking for and testing new ways to increase the quality of our plugs. We are constantly researching and applying new products. One product we decided to try was a material called mycorrhizal inoculant.

Mycorrhizae is a beneficial fungus that helps promote root health and growth. The fungus coats the roots, and creates small fibers that can absorb more nutrients and water for the plant. They can also protect the roots from harm.

There are many different ways to apply the fungus, but we decided to dip the plugs into the mixture. It was super easy too. You carefully hold the blades, and dip the soil part of the plug into the solution. Once the plug is dipped, you can immediately plant the plug into the ground.

Root Growth

We did not know what to expect from this test. We have never used a product like this before, but we were very impressed with the results. The treated plug is on the left, while the untreated is on the right.

Plug roots

As you can see from the image, the treated plug is almost twice as large as the untreated. The roots are denser too, with more little hairs as well. The top runners are also a lot longer, and more aggressive while spreading.

Top Growth

The roots are not the only part of the plug that improved...


Plant growth

The top growth of the Zoysia was also quite impressive! As you can see from the image, the treated plug is a healthier and fuller than the untreated plug. Overall, we were very impressed with this product.


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